Friday, March 22, 2013

Hello Again!

So it has been over a year since I've been here. Such is the way of the amateur blog, I suppose! I guess an update of sorts would be appropriate:

  • I've returned to school! I will compete the last course of my undergraduate degree in June, and I am tres excited. Some reading and writing and an honors thesis are about all that stand between me and a degree. It's been a bit of a difficult semester, with a lot of ups and downs, but I'm feeling alright about life right now. 
  • I moved! 5 and a half blocks north of my old place. It's a gorgeous, older duplex full of character with big windows and a lot of natural light. Original hardwood, coved ceilings, a plaster fireplace. We've got lots of plants and lots of candles. It really feels like a home. And I'm still in the same neighborhood, close to school, work, and friends. 
  • I'm embracing the creative! I've been working on a couple quilts, a lunch bag, a painting, a handful of DIYs, and I've discovered some awesome new recipes. I will slowly be updating the blog with posts about some of these creative endeavors, along with some new ones. 
  • I've developed a yoga practice! I'm not always perfect about going, but I'm fairly consistent. And I definitely feel better on those days where I leave it all on the mat.
  • I'm going back to Poland! I'll be returning to Poland this summer to work as a lab osteologist at a cemetery excavation. I'm really excited because I love skeletons, I love everyone I work with, and I love Poland. I've been taking Polish this year, too! It's definitely been a struggle (I'm not sure what drugs the folks who decided on Polish grammar were taking, but it'd be great if they'd share) but I'm stoked to talk to my Polish friends in their language. Our excavation is just outside of a tiny village, where almost no one speaks English, so it'll be nice to be able to do more than just point at the store. 

Returning to school, keeping my part time job, writing an honors thesis, and learning a new language has definitely brought back some of the old stressors I was struggling with. And, as it tends to do, life has thrown a few new ones my direction lately. But with the help of some amazing friends and some fun, creative projects I am still loving life. 

One other positive thing in my life is my tea collection! It's an addiction, I can't help but acquire new, tasty teas. All the teas!!